My name is Anders Nielsen.
I am 32 years old,live in Copenhagen in Denmark. I have always been very active with sport, and socially.
In 2008 I was diagnosed with FSGS, which is a auto-immune disease in which the immune system destroys the kidneys. I have been in a lot of different treatments. Nothing worked!
I have bad hearing which came in December 2007 and there are 2 documented patients with my diagnose who has bad hearing in the whole world. I am one of them.
In February 2008 I showed a lot of symptoms of kidney disease. I currently have asthma, bad hearing, 2 blood cloots in my heart, and ASD, bad kidneys, and I played proffesional handball when i was younger, so i had a lot of operations in my knee, feet, arms, etc.
I work with computer infrastructur, and support, I am a model and extra in commercials and movies. And then I train my dogs at the police in my sparetime.
Its very important for me to constantly be active, so fitness, pilates, diving are thing i use a lot of time on.